Saturday, August 02, 2008

teakettles and pasta

As I was cleaning my room today, (which incidentally, included me installing a shoe rack on the back of my closet door, that can now hold two thirds of my shoes. 18 pairs. you do the math) I was listening to Beck and as I had never listened to them before I was listening more intensly than I usually do. They're pretty good, and slightly odd in an aw, how cute, fashion. At one point I was admiring their seemingly flawless merging of everyday sounds with the customary drums and guitars. I was trying to identidy just how many strange sounds they were creating, when I realized that the striking background violin high notes, were in fact not comming from my stereo, but from the kitchen fornuis, where I had left my teakettle to sing to itself in ever increasing intensity. Unfortunatly for it, it was vibrating on the same pitch as my music of choice at the moment.
Once again I am amused at my fuzzy headedness in the kitchen.

Last night I managed to burn pasta. Yes, I know, this is a new height even for me! It got a headpat and a look of awe from my roommate. Considering how well I've been doing, this is a healthy reminder that I can, when not paying attention, blow the lights out on the microwave and decorate the opposing wall with egg yokes. One of many stories.
Apparantly when one leaves spaghetti sitting half in the water, and half out, the part that it not in the water, will touch the hot metal pan and recoil, but only after it has turned a loverly shade of black.
Didn't affect the tast to much though.
I'm on a big herb kick at the moment, putting fresh basil in almost everything I eat. I bought some fresh fruit at the village market (which is a store. I know, it always sounds like small tents should be involved) and so's I've been quite au natural these last few days.

on the accademic side, I'm debating as to wether to take two classes or one this fall. I want to pursue a second bachelors while I'm here. I could do most of the classes on my free tuition deal from the school, but I don't want to fry my brein. On the other hand, perhaps I could use some stimulation.
I can't wait untill school starts again. The summer has been fun and has flown by. Asides from learning my job as I go, and not feeling at all trained or adeqaute at it, I've had a good time. But I will very much enjoy the people rushing through the building and stopping in to talk and music pouring from all the rooms again.


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