Tuesday, July 01, 2008

sitting at home on my sofa, with it's cover on ( I love living in community, but little things do begin to irk me after repeated conflagrations over it. The sofa has a cover, both mine, and it seems like building a wall out of melting butter to get my roommate to keep them both together.)
So that opening statement contains a vast amount of satisfaction only available to me.
anyways. so we didn't get the house. Which turns out is a good thing, since I was, surprisingly, the most financialy stable person in the bunch. I hadn't expected to hear that, so it was rather a shock to have people pull out at the last minute.
And what does I do when I get a shock?
Correctomundo, I do my whole fainting routine. I've been functioning on sub-normal sense levels.
I know I'm making up terms here, but sometimes I feel like that's what my life is all about

vaak heb ik dan het gevoel dat ik mij termidden van een ocean bevind. maar ik zie de ganse wereld rond mij zich tegoed doen aan lucht. alleen rond mij stroomt er water, maar doorzichtig, zodat ik weet dat ik mijzelf heb afgezondered, dat de wereld rond mij nu alleen gezien kan worden door water, wat alles een beweging geeft dat het niet in zichzelf heeft.
Als mensen soms met mij spreken moet ik mij dubbel zo hard concentreren om hun te horen.


Blogger Rachel said...

Ha ha! This is how Yahoo! translated your last paragraph:

I frequently have then the feeling that I termidden of ocean am myself. but I see me doing itself the entire world round credit balance to air. only around me there water flows, but transparent, so that I weet that I have myself afgezondered, which the world round me can be now only seen by water, what gives a movement everything that it does not have in itself. If sometimes with me I must speak people twice this way hard to concentrate to hear their.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Gwen said...

That's beautiful. I should leave it up as a found- poem. what do you think?

basically I was just saying that when I get faint, I feel as if I'm walking in water, everythings garrbled. But I like the yahoo translation better, especially the last line

6:43 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Sure, leave it up! I wasn't sure if it was something you were rewriting the first paragraph over for your non-english speaking friends or if it was some secret message. Either way it challenged me to find a translation. I guess the joke's on me now ;)

10:44 AM  
Blogger Gwen said...

I guess it was a secret message, I kinda wanted to complain, but I didn't really want to sound like I was.. so I switched to dutch, trying to be sneaky. guess it worked.

3:00 PM  

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