Asides from this being about sports, I couldn't agree more with Mark. except that his final sarcastic statement here loses pith, since this type of news dissemination already is taking place. I remember watching the news for 2 hours ( there was about 30 minutes of real news, the rest was commercials, shock tactics, hypothesis's et al) to find out about a baby eaten by an alligator, a news item that was not only frequently touted, but had it's own scroll on the bottom of the screen throughout the news program. At the end of the news segment, they rolled the same thirty second clip they'd been previewing all night, and announced that a toddler had been in danger of being eaten by an alligator, due to the proximity of the alligator to the kids perambulator. Thank you, good night. Relieved as I was to hear the child was safe, and that alligators were not as yet rampaging around the suburbs of Florida, I was appalled by the lack of integrity, and the blatant pandering to viewers shown on a news show!
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