Friday, December 17, 2010

Nothing to post about.... JUST KIDDING!

Quite literally, I was catching up on my blog readings yesterday and thought to myself, I should post, but I have nothing to write about. Well, today, I do!
I received my grades for my first real term in grad school! let me preface this by saying that the final for one class was written in a sundayschool room while my family was in church in florida (only place I had WIFI) and the second on the verge of exhaustion. both classes had late papers from me, and not my best work.
After all that. I received an A in 17th century metaphysical poetry and a B+ in american realism. considering I had to learn allot about american history, not shabby. I'm so happy! I really thought I was going to get C's in some of these classes. Makes me wonder if I'm in the right program, everyone kept telling me that my grades would lower as I continued in education. Teehee, they havn't!
So here's to next term, ancient greek tragedies and 14th century lit. what a change that will be. Besides my grades, I got a haircut the other day. The hairdresser asked if I wanted him to blowdry it into it's natural shape, and I said ok. And then he gave me curls! I did not know I had so many curls. I thought my hair was just fuzzy. Apparently fuzzy is just the unkept version of curly. So now I must arm myself with a diffuser, and hairgel, and curler... " I can do this" she says in a soft whisper, looking slightly overwhelmed.
I went salsa dancing last saturday! it was so much fun! I need to learn some more steps so that I can actually dance instead of frantically counting my steps, but for what it was, it was fun!
I've also decided that since coffee and alcohol are not technically permitted to me, I will become a tea snob, and study up on loose leaf tea. wish I could have you all drop by for a cuppa.


Anonymous Dorien said...

Proficiat! :)

7:19 AM  
Blogger vanchandler said...

curls! huzzah!

7:15 AM  

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